Liposuction is a popular body contouring procedure that helps you eliminate stubborn, exercise-resistant fat in many areas of your body. While recovery is generally smooth and most people can get back to work in about a week, there are ways you can speed up your lipo recovery even further.
Eat Small Meals Throughout the Day
For the first few days, try eating several smaller snacks throughout the day, rather than the traditional three meals. This will help to keep nausea and bloating at bay while you rest and heal.
You’ll also want to pay attention to what foods you’re eating. Stock up on plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, and limit your salt and sugar intake.
Keep Moving
Rest as much as you like for the first 24 to 48 hours after getting liposuction. Then, as your body feels up to it, start lightly walking around the house or go for short walks outside. This will promote healthy blood flow for optimized healing.
Most people are up and about within 1 to 2 days after liposuction, but you’ll need to limit strenuous exercise.
No Soaking
Avoid submerging your body in water—including the bathtub, hot tub or pool—until Dr. Mariotti gives you the go-ahead. If you soak too soon, you could increase the risk of infection and slow the liposuction healing process down.
Still have questions about how to speed up liposuction recovery, or would you like to schedule a body contouring consultation? Please contact us online or call our Concord office at 925-685-4533.