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4 Quick Tummy Tuck Facts [Infographic]

4 Quick Tummy Tuck Facts [Infographic]

Tummy Tuck - Woman in white underwear

3 Ways the Drainless Tummy Tuck Wins Hands Down

When planning your tummy tuck, lots of different factors should go into your decision. These include choosing the right plastic surgeon, deciding whether or not to combine other procedures with your abdominoplasty and looking into the best surgical techniques.

When it comes to the latter, the drainless tummy tuck technique is worth asking your plastic surgeon about. This technique comes with a whole host of benefits, including these three big ones.

  1. An Easier Recovery Process

    During a drain-free abdominoplasty, your plastic surgeon will use a layered suture technique rather than drains to control fluid build-up.