PATIENT BACKGROUND: This lovely lady in her early 30’s consulted Dr. Mariotti for body contouring surgery. She is 5 feet 7 inches tall and weighs 170 pounds. Through diet and exercise, she has lost over 100 pounds. However, with having had 2 children, and that much weight loss, she has been left with a fair amount of loose skin. No matter how much she works out her core, she cannot get rid of the loose skin of her mid and lower abdomen. She is hoping to have a figure closer to what she had prior to her pregnancies.
3 months post op these photos were taken. Wow. She looks amazing!
Keep in mind that each patient is unique and your results may vary. These photos are of an actual patient of our practice who has provided consent to display their pictures online.
Surgeon: Dr. Mariotti
*Actual patients shown before and after surgery. Your results may vary. Photos are for education only and are not meant as a guarantee of results.