

Your ideal body cannot always be achieved through diet and fitness alone. As hard as you may strive, some of those annoying bulges just won’t budge. Liposuction may be the best solution that can help slim your figure.

Body contouring specialist Dr. Eric Mariotti is known for delivering outstanding liposuction results for men and women in Walnut Creek and throughout the East Bay, as well as being known for his warm and caring bedside manner.

or call our Concord office at 925-685-4533 to request a consultation at Mariotti.

Liposuction at a Glance

Procedure Length

  • Liposuction can take from 30 minutes to 3 hours to perform

Side Effects

  • Some discomfort and bruising
  • Swelling for about 6-12 weeks


  • General anesthesia

Exercise and Activity

  • Up and around in 1 to 2 days
  • Resume all normal activities in 7 to 10 days

The Best Liposuction Candidates

Liposuction procedures are safer and more effective than ever because of advances in both technology and technique during the past decade. Although traditional tumescent liposuction is effective, new procedures such as liposculpture with VASER® LipoSelection® may be a better option for some people.

Liposuction works best for people who have tried diet and exercise but cannot get rid of stubborn pockets of fat in common problem areas such as the love handles, belly fat, thighs, or back.

Liposuction is not an alternative to weight loss and will not address loose or drooping skin. If you have both excess fat and skin in the target area, surgical body contouring may be a better option for you.

What to Expect for Lipo Surgery

Liposuction is an outpatient procedure that can take as little as 30 minutes or as long as 2 to 3 hours, depending on the area(s) treated. The procedure is performed under general anesthesia administered by our board-certified anesthesiologists.

In some cases, Dr. Mariotti will use LipoSelection by VASER, an advanced technique that “melts” the fat with ultrasound energy before he removes it. The LipoSelection procedure often results in less bruising and swelling near the treatment area than conventional liposuction.

Request a Consultation Today!

quotations icon
If you want the best, go with the best. If there were 10 stars, I would give them 10 stars.

– Karina G. (Mommy Makeover)

Liposuction img 1
Dr. Mariotti is very personable, pleasant and down to earth.

– Teri W. (Tummy Tuck)

Liposuction img 1
I just had my tummy tuck done about 5 days ago and even with a little swelling, I’m in love.

– Staci P. (Tummy Tuck)

Liposuction img 1
My results are beyond fantastic.

– Colleen C. (Tummy Tuck)

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After Liposuction

After getting liposculpture, you’ll be fitted with a Lycra® compression garment to reduce post-operative swelling. You can expect some minimal discomfort, which you can control easily with oral pain medication. Dr. Mariotti will have you fill your prescription prior to your procedure.

Every person heals differently, but you can expect to be up and around the house in 1 to 2 days and ready to resume normal activities in 7 to 10 days. Realistically, it can take about 2 to 3 weeks for most of the swelling to subside and a total of 6 to 12 weeks for the swelling to disappear completely.

You should see visible improvement shortly after liposuction and, after all swelling has subsided, enjoy your new trim self.

Start Today!

Take the first step toward your dream look and contact us online or call our Concord office at 925-685-4533 to request a consultation.

Liposuction FAQs

Liposuction isn’t a weight loss procedure, although it does remove fat. The maximum amount of fat that is actually removed during liposculpture is between 6 and 8 pounds.

Liposuction tones and contour areas of the body that still have stubborn fat despite exercise and other healthy lifestyle habits. Good candidates for liposuction maintain a stable weight both before and after their procedures.

The abdomen is one of the most common areas for stubborn fat to accumulate. Many people also have stretched skin in this area, particularly after pregnancy or major weight loss.

Abdominoplasty, also called a tummy tuck, is a surgical procedure to remove excess skin and tighten stomach muscles. If your skin is too lax, liposuction isn’t a good option because removing fat will make the skin appear looser. In many cases, Dr. Mariotti combines liposuction with a tummy tuck.

Although liposculpture can be an effective body contouring treatment for the abdominal area, it can be used for many other areas, too. Dr. Mariotti uses liposuction to sculpt shapelier thighs, diminish the appearance of “bra rolls” and upper back folds, and tone the upper arms. Liposuction can even be a good choice for the neck and jawline for people who want their facial profile to have more definition.

One of the most important things to remember when deciding on the best type of liposuction for you is that the results you get depend more on the skill and training of the plastic surgeon than on the specific liposuction method performed.

That’s why it’s important to carefully research surgeons to ensure they are certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery and have the experience and training necessary to safely perform liposuction and get consistently great results.

Like traditional liposuction, VASER LipoSelection begins by injecting the targeted area with a saline solution that contains a local anesthetic. The solution solidifies and swells the fatty tissue.

A small probe inserted through tiny incisions vibrates at a high ultrasound frequency and shakes fat cells loose from surrounding tissue. Cannulas then suction the fat from the body. Dr. Mariotti considers LipoSelection as a better choice for some patients.

Liposuction results can last indefinitely if you maintain a good diet and exercise habits. Although the fat cells removed during liposculpture will not grow back, your remaining cells can still enlarge if you gain weight. Dr. Mariotti is glad to talk with you about long-term strategies for maintaining your results.

The cost of liposuction will depend on many factors, including the surgeon’s fee and additional fees for anesthesia, operating room facilities, and other associated costs.

The cost of liposuction also depends on the size and number of areas that you would like to treat. If the cost of your procedure is a concern for you, don’t hesitate to ask about financing options during your consultation.

Yes. We offer a gallery of before and after liposuction photos on our website. These are real photos taken of previous clients from the Concord, California area and beyond, and posted with their consent.

When looking at before and after photos, it can be helpful to focus on photos of people with a similar build and body type to yours, to help you get a better idea of what your results might look like.

Liposuction is typically performed under general anesthesia, so you shouldn’t feel any pain during your procedure. Afterward, expect to have some swelling, bruising, and tenderness in the treated area(s). Discomfort following liposuction is usually easily managed with oral pain medications.

Most people are able to return to work within 7 to 10 days after liposuction, but this can depend on how physically demanding your job is. You should be able to be up and moving around the house in as little as a day or two after treatment.

Dr. Mariotti will ask that you wear a compression garment for several weeks after getting liposuction. This should help to reduce swelling and make you more comfortable in the first stage of recovery.

Although you may feel up to walking around the house in 1 to 2 days after liposuction, you’ll need to limit physical activity for a few more weeks.

Yes, any time an incision into your skin occurs, a scar will be left behind. However, liposuction incisions are typically small, and Dr. Mariotti takes great care to place those incisions as inconspicuously as possible.

Scars also form differently for each person, so one person might have less noticeable scarring than someone else.

Many people begin to see noticeable improvements to their body shape in as little as three weeks after liposuction, once the swelling has started to subside, and around 90% of your results should be visible around 1 to 3 months afterward. However, it can take six months or more to see your final liposuction results.

Liposuction permanently removes targeted fat cells, but you can still gain weight in the existing cells. However, because some of the fat cells are no longer in the treated area, you might find that any extra weight is more evenly distributed throughout your body after having liposuction. In order to maintain the same results long-term, it is important to follow healthy eating and exercise habits.

*Information for education only, not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary. Unless otherwise noted, images on this site are of models.

Service Type
Provider Name
Dr. Eric Mariotti,
2222 East Street #310,Concord,CA-94520,
Telephone No.925-685-4533
Walnut Creek, California
Body contouring surgeon Dr. Eric Mariotti offers liposuction, including VASER LipoSelection and liposculpture, for Concord patients who desire body sculpting.