When planning your breast augmentation, you want everything to go perfectly so that you can get the results you’ve been dreaming of. However, there are a few mistakes that some women make during the planning process that might lead to feelings of regret afterward.
See how to avoid these top three causes of breast augmentation regret to get perfect results from the get-go.
1. Would Have Gone More Natural
One of the biggest challenges that many women have when planning their breast enhancement procedures is deciding what size of implants to get. While going as large as possible might seem like the way to get the most “bang for your buck,” going too big is one of the most common causes of regret after breast augmentation.
Instead, work with your plastic surgeon to choose a breast implant size, shape and profile that will remain balanced with your natural body shape and type. This will create very natural-looking results with an attractive boost in volume.
2. Would Have Added a Breast Lift
Some women make the mistake of believing that getting breast implants will help to “fill out” sagging skin or breast tissue, thus eliminating the need for a breast lift. Unfortunately, the exact opposite is true. If you already have some breast sagging, the added weight of implants often accentuates that effect, making matters worse.
Instead, add a breast lift to your augmentation from the start if your plastic surgeon feels it is necessary to help you achieve a lasting, more attractive breast appearance.
3. Would Have Gotten a Second Opinion
It’s never a bad idea to get a second opinion about the best breast augmentation options for you, though seeking another opinion is especially important if you’re on the fence about breast implant size, placement, surgical technique or other options.
For more information about your breast augmentation options or to start planning your procedure today with a consultation, call our Concord office at 925-685-4533 or contact us online.